Plans and directs the engineering aspects of locating and extracting petroleum or natural gas from the earth. Registration or licensing may be required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:2127-13 Petroleum Engineer.
233612 泥浆工程师 Mud Engineer
233612 岩石物理工程师 Petrophysical Engineer
石油工程师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
SOL – 澳洲SOL职业列表 Skilled Occupation List – immicn
CSOL – 澳洲CSOL职业列表 Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List – immicn
EA – 澳大利亚工程师协会工程师职业评估 Engineers Australia:雅思4个6,工学学位,评估有效期3年。
233612 石油工程师 Petroleum Engineer