• 工作时间 : 8:30 AM - 10:30 PM

  • 28/3/2016

224111 精算师 Actuary

ANZSCO 224111 精算师 Actuary – immicn

224111 精算师职业描述 Job description – immicn


Analyses mathematical, statistical, demographic, financial or economic data to predict and assess the long-term risk involved in financial decisions and planning. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as:2293-15 Actuary.

224111 精算师技术等级 Skill level – immicn

精算师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)

224111 精算师所属职业列表 – immicn

SOL – 澳洲SOL职业列表 Skilled Occupation List – immicn

CSOL – 澳洲CSOL职业列表 Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List – immicn

224111 精算师澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority – immicn

移民澳洲时, 224111 精算师 Actuary 属于 VETASSESS A类职业,需要本科或更高级学位,专业与提名职业高度相关且近五年内最少有一年毕业后相关工作经验,不认可学位前工作经验。职业评估不需要雅思,评估函有效期为3年。具体评估要求:


According to ANZSCO, an Actuary analyses mathematical, statistical, demographic, financial or economic data to predict and assess the long-term risk involved in financial decisions and planning.


This occupation requires a major in Actuarial Studies or Actuarial Science. Actuarial Studies is the application of mathematical and statistical analysis to compute risks, rates etc according to probabilities indicated by recorded facts in order to solve financial planning problems in areas such as insurance, superannuation and investment (ASCED). Qualifications in Mathematics or Statistics can be considered on a case-by-case basis for relevance to Actuarial Science.

相关职业 – immicn

224112 数学家 Mathematician
224113 统计学家 Statistician

